Stargate (2025)

As of February 2025, there is no official release of a new “Stargate” film. While discussions about a rebooted trilogy have surfaced in the past, with original creators Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin expressing interest in returning to the franchise, no concrete developments have been confirmed. Additionally, rumors about a new “Stargate” series in 2025 have circulated, but these remain unverified and speculative.

Interestingly, a film titled “Stargate – En julefortelling” is slated for release on October 31, 2025. This Norwegian-Swedish production, directed by Ida Sagmo Tvedte, is based on the novel by Ingvild H. Rishøy. The story centers around Ronja and Melissa, who step in to cover for their father during the Christmas season as he struggles with intoxication at a local bar. Described as a dark yet cheerful, warm, and enchanting tale, this film is unrelated to the science fiction “Stargate” franchise.

For fans of the original 1994 “Stargate” film, it remains a cult classic that has spawned multiple television series and expanded into a significant sci-fi franchise. The movie’s imaginative use of special effects and unique blend of ancient history with futuristic technology continue to captivate audiences.

In summary, while the “Stargate” franchise maintains a dedicated fan base, no new official film or series has been released as of 2025. The upcoming “Stargate – En julefortelling” offers a distinct narrative separate from the established sci-fi universe.